Monday, April 25, 2016

To wrap up this amazing experience of a lifetime, the group went on two field trips for the last two weekends. The first weekend we went to Northern Ireland. While on our way to Northern Ireland we planned out quite a bit of stops. My favorite stop was the Folk Park. At the Folk Park one could experience the life of Europeans before traveling to the new world in America. Around this park there were many different houses with different trades that any person could know how to do. One of the ones that hit close to home was the blacksmith trade. Another really neat thing that was done on the Northern Ireland Trip was being able to take the Black Taxi Tour. During this tour, we had a taxi cab driver drive us around to tell us all about the history and the current events going on in Northern Ireland. Being able to hear the history in history class as well as being able to see it first-hand really put the whole situation into perspective. This was one of my favorite, but yet, terrifying field trips. I loved seeing the history and how it still plays a huge part in the culture today, but, knowing that at the drop of a needle, the calm city could have a crazy amount of chaos.
The last field trip we went on was in Dingle. Dingle is a small town close to the most western part of Europe. While in Dingle we were able to go to the Cliffs of Moher, and Blarney Castle. The Cliffs of Moher were awesome and the weather was perfect, however, I really enjoyed Dun Angus. Blarney Castle was one of my favorite stops throughout the entire study abroad experience. It was my favorite because of the gardens that were surrounding the castle. It also helped that the weather was once again spectacular. Being able to just take my time and enjoy the gardens was my favorite part.

Over all, I am really content with how this study abroad experience went and impacted my life. Being able to be with my friends as well as experience it all with them, turned them into my family and helped make this trip go a lot better.  

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